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Director / Producer

Tihei Mauri Ora Productions

Tu Rangatira tōku maunga Ko Poērua
Rere ana tōku awa Ko Kirikiri
Hoe tōtika ana tōku waka Ko Ngatokimatawharua
Ngāpuhi tōku iwi whanui
Ngāti Rangi tōku hapū Whakanui
Ngawha toku marae tu pakari e
Ko Holly Beckham tōku ingoa

Holly Beckham is one of the new generation of Māori wāhine in the New Zealand film and television industry. An aspiring documentary director, her kaupapa is to give voice to others. ​​

Holly's first powerful documentary about addiction He Ara Anō has won numerous awards and has been shown at festivals globally and in Aotearoa. It was created while a student at South Seas Film School.

Holly is proud of her Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Rangi heritage and knows that it is what makes her storytelling approach so strong. As a recovering addict who is 5 years clean, she is ideally placed to tell the story of Mana Wāhine.​

Today Holly's resume includes story producing and reporting for Marae, production work at Pango - independent Māori content creators across TV and digital - GreenstoneTV, and Attitude Pictures.​

You can contact Holly here.

Tihei Mauri Ora Productions Holly Beckham


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